Open-Source – Is It OK to Push Code to GitHub in Early Development?

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I have some projects that are in a very early development state. They are nowhere nearing completion but I do host them (as public repos) on GitHub because:

  • I have multiple computers and I want access to my code everywhere
  • I want a backup for my code
  • I want it to be easy if someone wants to collaborate in some way
  • I use GitHub Issues as a poor man's project management software

Is it OK to publish a project on GitHub even when it is very early in the development? I am a bit concerned about someone to come by and say OMG this is total BS, this code is so bad! while looking at unpolished/still in development/not tested code.

What are your practices when you start new public projects? Do you wait until you have something substantial to show or you create a bare repo directly on GitHub and start from there?

I used GitHub throughout this post but this applies to every code hosting service out there.

Best Answer

Of course it is OK: it is hard to imagine that over 4,098,118 projects currently hosted on GitHub would all be 100% great and useful! You are not forcing anyone to use your code or even to look at it. If you host the project primarily for yourself, the quality of your code is of concern to you, and nobody else.

You listed all the right reasons to host your project - backups, universal access, and possibility of collaboration with others are great reasons to start hosting as early as possible.

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