Is it possible to reach absolute zero bug state for large scale software

bugcomplexityprogramming practicessoftware

I am talking about 20-30+ millions lines of code, software at the scale and complexity of Autodesk Maya for example.

If you freeze the development as long as it needs to be, can you actually fix all the bugs until there is simply not a single bug, if such a thing could be verified by computers? What are the arguments for and against the existence of a bug-free system?

Because there is some notion that every fix you make creates more bugs, but I don't think that's true.

By bugs I meant from the simplest typos in the UI, to more serious preventative bugs that has no workaround. For example a particular scripting function calculates normals incorrectly. Also even when there are workarounds, the problem still has to be fixed. So you could say you can do this particular thing manually instead of using the provided function but that function still has to be fixed.

Best Answer

As Mikey mentioned, writing bugless code is not the goal. If that is what you are aiming for, then I have some very bad news for you.

The key point is that you are vastly underestimating the complexity of software.

First things first--You're ignoring the bigger picture of how your program runs. It does not run in isolation on a perfect system. Even the most basic of "Hello World" programs runs on an operating system, and therefore, even the most simple of programs is susceptible to bugs that may exist in the operating system.

The existence of libraries makes this more complex. While operating systems tend to be fairly stable, libraries are a mixed bag when it comes to stability. Some are wonderful. Others ... not so much ... If you want your code to be 100% bug free, then you will need to also ensure that every library you run against is completely bug free, and many times this simply isn't possible as you may not have the source code.

Then there are threads to think about. Most large scale programs use threads all over the place. We try to be careful and write threads in such a way where race conditions and deadlock do not occur, but it simply is not possible to test every possible combination of code. In order to test this effectively, you would need to examine every possible ordering of commands going through the CPU. I have not done the math on this one, but I suspect that enumerating all of the possible games of Chess would be easier.

Things go from hard to impossible when we look at the machine itself. CPU's are not perfect. RAM is not perfect. Hard drives are not perfect. None of the components within a machine are designed to be perfect--they're designed to be "good enough". Even a perfect program will eventually fail due to a hiccup by the machine. There's nothing you can do to stop it.

Bottom line: Can you write "Bug free software"?


Anyone who tells you otherwise is clueless.

Just try to write software that is easy to understand and maintain. Once you've done that, you can call it a day.

EDIT: Some people commented about an excellent point that I had completely overlooked: the compiler.

Unless you are writing in assembly, it is entirely possible that the compiler will mess up your code (even if you prove that your code is "perfect").

A list of bugs in GCC, one of the more commonly used compilers:

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