Functional Programming – Using Functional Paradigm in Imperative Languages

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If I understand the concept correctly the goal, which functional languages are trying to achieve is to eliminate any side effects from functions and to eliminate a state. The rationale behind this is to obtain referential transparency, which leads to more predictable execution.

However, nothing prevents me from writing the code with above in mind in imperative language. I'm thinking only about classic constructs and not functional mixins.

Let's say I have following code in C.

int add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

int sqr(int x)
    return x*x;

int main()
    return sqr(add(3,5));

So, I have two functions, which do not posses any side effects. Neither program has any state. Is this code missing something exceptionally functional?

Currently, I perceive functional languages like if they had built impressive decoration made of syntactic sugar over the core concept of functional programming. Their syntax discourages slicing the code into statements, however I don't see any substantial difference that prevents me to take functional approach (and yield its fruits) in imperative language. Am I wrong? Hence my question.

Best Answer

It is certainly possible to program in a purely functional style in an imperative language. In fact, if you look at books like Effective Java or Java Concurrency in Practice, much of the advice in those books basically boils down to "don't use mutable state", "don't use side-effects", etc.

However, it may not always be a pleasant experience, and you may not be able to do everything you want to do.

You mentioned C specifically as an example. Unless I'm missing something, the purely functional subset of C is not Turing-complete, because there is no way to express iteration. C does not have Proper Tail Calls, so, you will eventually overflow the stack when trying to express something like iterating over an infinite list. You will need to use a loop for iteration, but loops rely on mutable state and side-effects.

Of course, the standard Turing-tarpit argument applies … you can do functional programming C by implementing a Haskell interpreter in C and then program in Haskell. But that's not how I interpret the OP's question.