Real Programmers Writing Assembly Code in Any Language

assemblyperlprogramming practicesprogramming-languages

Real programmers can write assembly code in any language.
(Larry Wall).

As far as I can make out, Mr. Larry Wall is trying to say that to a real programmer any language can have the same functionality as ASM. But I seriously do not understand. How can you write assembly code in high level languages like Perl, Python, Java and C#? Languages like Perl and Python don't even have pointers. Or Does he mean something else? What is Mr. Wall actually trying to say?

Best Answer

It is a tongue-in-cheek mockery of an earlier meme about "real programmers" which is a variation of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy and "real men don't eat quiche" which was a very popular book.

Original thread where Wall stated this.
Monty Python version, The Four Yorkshiremen is a mockery of this whole thing.

"Real programmers" don't need high level languages, and The Story of Mel is the exemplar of this. And it was uphill both ways!