MVP for Android – Is Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Scheme Useful for Android?


How to separate View and Presenter in Android, while the reactions on the user actions (Presenter part of MVP) are set into the same activities that shows GUI elements (View part of MVP).

"In model view presenter just as Martin Fowler or Michael Feathers [2] say, the logic of the UI is separated into a class called presenter, that handles all the input from the user and that tells the "dumb" view what and when to display" (cited from here).

Till now I thought that one of the main features of Android is the smart Activity that takes actions, reacts to them and shows the results. Is MVP scheme in contradiction with Android philosophy? Has it sense to try to realize it on Android? If yes, how could it be done?

Best Answer

Android applications are fundamentally built around Model-View-Controller (MVC) - MVP sounds like the same thing, although I've not heard the term before. Activities fill the role of Controller, XML Views are just that (although you can build them programmatically in the Activity - it's just easier and simpler to do it in XML), and the Model you write yourself. So yes, that model is quite practical.

A possible reason you may not have heard much about this design model is that the Android framework forces you to separate the view out. Because the application on mobile devices tend to be small, people don't tend to use full-on MVC; they tend toward view and action layers where the action layer does much of the model's (small) job.

If you are writing a cross platform app, you may want to look at a four-layer approach: View, Action, Business Logic, and Model. The View and Action layers would be platform specific, while the Business Logic and Model would not change. Basically, you split out the presenter and user interaction out to the Action layer, which calls the Business Logic layer to perform the action the user wants.