Is Moore’s law (empirically) the same for both memory capacity and processing speed

functional programmingperformance

Has memory and processing power increased over time around basically in the same rate, or can we say that one or the other has increased more? Has cost decreased in the same rate? And how about the near future?

I am aware this question is not directly related to programming, but I thought it would be better to ask it here for some reasons:

  1. I work as a programmer, not a computer science theorist (so I probably would not find it very helpful the kind of question I would receive from the Theoretical Computer Science site, for instance).
  2. I prefer answers based upon a programmers real experience.
  3. And I am worried about real programming-related issues, specially the functional x imperative debate.

About the 3rd item: currently we've being seeing a lot of arguments about how the increase of using functional programming techniques is related to the now common multi-core machines, and how the free lunch is over [pdf].

But it seems to me that the functional paradigm is much more memory consuming (but this is an opinion, not a fact), and I have not seem many arguments about this future increase in memory needs.

Best Answer

It's important to note that Moore's Law does not talk about processor speeds. It talks about transistor density.

In fact, we hit the wall on clock rates quite a long time ago, and clocks have generally been decreasing since the P4. There have been additional performance gains with stuff like OOO execution and other mechanisms to exploit ILP, but these days the extra density is going towards more cache and more cores, rather than straightforwardly boosting the speed of each core.

Memory, on the other hand, is much more straightforward to implement - a higher transistor density basically means you can pack more memory cells into the same package, without having to do any complex redesign.

Basically, memory scales exceptionally well with increasing transistor density. Processors, not so much.