Naming Standards – Using ‘Is’ Prefix and ‘On’ Suffix in Non-Hungarian Naming


First, I believe I've seen this question discussed here before, but I cannot find it. My apologies if you do find it.

I'm starting a new project, and trying to figure out why IsResolved and/or ResolvedOn make more sense to me than Resolved. Obviously, when something is named "CompanyName" (for example), I'm fairly confident I'll test it as a string. However, when I see "Resolved", and I know the object it describes may not have a valid value for a resolution date, it bothers me that I have to inspect the type to determine how to test it: for undefined/null/etc. (as a date), or as a boolean value.

Is it reasonable to claim that Is and On typically do more than declare the variable type; they declare the intent? Or perhaps simply that it makes the code clearer for some other reason I'm not quite able to codify?

Arguing the other side, if I look at the type of Resolved, and see that it is a boolean, I will have my answer. Perhaps this is no different than knowing that I'll need to inspect a "Feasibility" variable to determine if it is an int, enum, or something else. (Although perhaps just that means "Feasbility" would be a sub-optimal name also.) And regardless, in the case of "ResolvedOn", I still have to inspect whether it is nullable to determine if I additionally need to inspect an "IsResolved" value. What is the point of the verbosity, encoding a second time in the variable name that which can be deduced from the type?

Please give me a hand understanding why Is[Property] and [Property]On make sense to me, although Hungarian in general does not. Or, explain why an exception like this wouldn't make sense?

Note: I primarily work with SQL, C#, and JavaScript.

Best Answer

First of all, most of the allergic reactions to Hungarian notation stems from the fact that consistent application tends to result in very unnatural looking names. Occasional uses of prefixes or suffixes that suggest a certain type should not be considered to be Hungarian notation unless the name looks very forced.

What you are doing by using "IsResolved" or "ResolvedOn" instead of "Resolved" is disambiguating what information is conveyed by the name (i.e. what is represented by a class or object of that name, what does a thus-named function return).

To take a few more examples:

  • Company
  • CompanyName
  • Resolved
  • IsResolved
  • ResolvedOn

When reading code, "Resolved" would be the only one where I don't have an idea what it would represent and I would need to look it up. Context makes a difference and I am not claiming I am always correct, but "Resolved" is the only name in that list where I would not be able to tell at a glance if it looks to be used correctly.