Is rotating the lead developer a good or bad idea


I work on a team that has been flat organizationally since it's creation several months ago. My manager is non-technical and this means that our whole team is responsible for decision-making.

My manager is beginning to realize that there are several benefits to having a lead developer, both for his sake (a single point of contact and single responsible party for tasks) and ours (dispute resolution, organized technical guidance, etc.).

Because the team has been flat, one concern is that picking one lead developer may discourage the others. A non-developer suggested to my manager that rotating the lead developer is a possible way to avoid this issue. One developer would be lead one month, another the next, and so on.

Is this a good idea? Why or why not?

Keep in mind that this means all developers — All developers are good, but not necessarily equally suited to leadership.

And if it is not, how do I recommend that we avoid this approach without seeming like it's merely for selfish reasons?

Best Answer

Don't rotate.

I don't think anyone gains anything from the position being rotated (apart from the ones that don't deserve to be the lead might get more money than they are currently receiving).

Having a brilliant lead developer who can do the following, does wonders for the development process:.

  1. Knows how to delegate.
  2. Is in control.
  3. Is an experienced developer.

He's a single source for the rest of the team to look up to and seek advice from. He's also the mediator between higher-level management and the core development team. I don't know of any managerial team that likes dealing with change (unless they're the ones instigating it).

If you really are the best suited for the position, everyone would know that. Everyone would know that (e.g. higher-level management, your teammate, etc.). State that you don't believe rotating the position is worthwhile (if you believe so). Then sit back and let them do the appointing - refrain from name-dropping or any sort of self promotion as this would make you look unprofessional