Big O Notation – Proper Rules for Identifying Algorithm Complexity

algorithmsbig o

I've been learning more about Big O Notation and how to calculate it based on how an algorithm is written. I came across an interesting set of "rules" for calculating an algorithms Big O notation and I wanted to see if I'm on the right track or way off.

Big O Notation: N

function(n) {
    For(var a = 0; i <= n; i++) { // It's N because it's just a single loop
        // Do stuff

Big O Notation: N2

function(n, b) {
    For(var a = 0; a <= n; a++) {
        For(var c = 0; i <= b; c++) { // It's N squared because it's two nested loops
            // Do stuff

Big O Notation: 2N

function(n, b) {
    For(var a = 0; a <= n; a++) {
        // Do stuff
    For(var c = 0; i <= b; c++) { // It's 2N the loops are outside each other
        // Do stuff

Big O Notation: NLogN

function(n) {
    n.sort(); // The NLogN comes from the sort?
    For(var a = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        // Do stuff

Are my examples and the subsequent notation correct? Are there additional notations I should be aware of?

Best Answer

Formally, big-O notation describes the degree of complexity.

To calculate big-O notation:

  1. identify formula for algorithm complexity. Let's say, for example, two loops with another one nested inside, then another three loops not nested: 2N² + 3N
  2. remove everything except the highest term: 2N²
  3. remove all constants:

In other words two loops with another one nested inside, then another three loops not nested is O(N²)

This of course assumes that what you have in your loops are simple instructions. If you have for example sort() inside the loop, you'll have to multiply complexity of the loop by the complexity of the sort() implementation your underlying language/library is using.