Coding Standards – Is Using a Symbolic Constant Overkill?


I'm fairly new to software engineering, and so as a learning exercise I wrote a chess game. My friend had a look at it and pointed out that my code looked like

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){

while he insisted that it should instead be

for (int i = 0; i < CHESS_CONST; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < CHESS_CONST; j++){

with some better symbol name that I can't be bothered to think of right now.

Now of course I do know to generally avoid using magic numbers, but I feel like since

  1. this number will never change;
  2. the name couldn't be that descriptive anyway since the number is used in so many places throughout the code; and
  3. anyone going through source code for a chess program should know enough about chess as to know what the 8 is for,

there really is no need for a symbolic constant.

So what do you guys think? Is this overkill, or should I just go with convention and use a symbol?

Best Answer

IMHO your friend is right in using a symbolic name, though I think the name should definitely be more descriptive (like BOARD_WIDTH instead of CHESS_CONST).

Even when the number will never change through the lifetime of the program, there may be other places in your program where the number 8 will occur with a different meaning. Replacing "8" by BOARD_WIDTH wherever the board width is meant, and using another symbolic name when a different thing is meant makes these different meanings explicit, obvious and your overall program more readable and maintainable. It enables you also to do a global search over your program (or a reverse symbol search, if your environment provides it) in case you need quickly to identify all places in the code which are dependent on the board width.

See also this former SE.SE post for a discussion how to (or how not to) pick names for numbers.

As a side note, since it was discussed here in the comments: if, in your real program's code, it matters if the variable i refers to rows and j to columns of the board, or vice versa, then it is recommendable to pick variable names which make the distinction clear, like row and col. The benefit of such names is, they make wrong code look wrong.