Coding Style – Is ‘Too Many Parameters’ a Visual or Logical Issue?


according to Are there guidelines on how many parameters a function should accept?, a method should not have too many parameters. However, some answers suggest this issue can be solved by builder pattern:

Builder b=new Builder();
Obj obj=b.createObj();

or encapsulate parameters in a single object.

ObjectParam op=new ObjectParam();

But I doubt if it solves the problem, because I think the methods about just align the parameters at better way (i.e.:from horizontally to vertically), but it doesn't change the nature that the tasks depend on too many parameters. And if I want the chain of parameters have better looking, I can use a new line for each parameter like it:

so my question is, is "too many parameters" a visual issue (hard to read a long single line of code), or a logical issue (the task nature depends on too much parameters and needs break down)? If it is more about a visual issue, does a new line for each parameter solves the issue?

Best Answer

It is first and foremost a logical issue (which often comes with visual issues, too). The wrong solution to this is by trying only to improve the visual problem by

encapsulate parameters in a single object [...] just align the parameters at better way (i.e.:from horizontally to vertically)

Encapsulating parameters in an object does not mean to put five parameters in an arbitrary container with some meaningless name like ObjectParam. Instead, encapsulating a group of parameters in an object should create a new abstraction (or reuse an existing one). Like

  • encapsulating three parameters "X,Y,Z" in a parameter "position of type Point3D, or

  • encapsulating parameters "startDate, endDate" in an object DateInterval or

  • encapsulating parameters documentTitle, documentText, author in an object Document grouping these parameters together

If the method in stake has a lot of unrelated parameters you cannot come up with a good grouping name, then it has probably too many parameters and too many responsibilities.

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