Testing Process – Is Verification and Validation Part of It?


Based on many sources I do not believe the simple definition that aim of testing is to find as many bugs as possible – we test to ensure that it works or that it does not. E.g. followint are goals of testing form ISTQB:

  1. Determine that (software products) satisfy specified requirements ( I think its verificication)

  2. Demonstrate that (software products) are fit for purpose (I think that is validation)

  3. Detect defects

    I would agree that testing is verification, validation and defect detection. Is that correct?

Best Answer

I think you got it exactly right.

  1. Verification and Validation are different things and are in fact pretty well defined. Although I don't like the document very much the ISO 9000ff is highly relevant for QA and defines Verification as comparing a product with its requirements and Validation as checking if it actually fits the needs of the customer/user and we all know this can differ.

  2. Both can be done through testing. Verification would lead to tests generated form requirements. Validation leads to test done by Tests without direct reference to requirements. I think this is often called explorative testing. Obviously it must be done by people with a real understanding of the real needs of the users, so alpha and beta testing by real users are obvious options.

  3. On a theoretic basis I guess one could argue anything covered by the first two isn't a bug and therefore finding bugs as a separate goal doesn't make sense. But I think there are things that you can't really verify or validate. For example security: How do you validate or verify that a software system is safe against attacks? Instead you try to find vulnerabilities. This search doesn't verify or validate anything if it fails to find problems, but it finds bugs if it succeeds.

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