Java – Are Empty Interfaces Bad Programming Practice?

code smellinterfacesjavaobject-oriented-design

I'm designing an architecture in which I have:

public interface IObjectReader{
    public Object read();

public class ConcreteObjectReader implements IObjectReader{
     public Object read(){
         //do stuff
         return new Object();

Now, if I want to allow a reader to be parameterized, I could create another interface this way:

public interface IParameterizedObjectReader extends IObjectReader {
    public void setParams(Map<String,String> params);
    public Map<String,String> getParams();

To me this is reasonable. However, in my project I have also object writers, object processors and so on, and they also need to be, eventually, parameterized.
In this scenario, having two or more interfaces that define the same contract (getParams and setParams) is a very bad idea to me. So I would define an interface IParameter like this:

public interface IParameter{
    public void setParams(Map<String,String> params);
    public Map<String, String> getParams();

and I'd make the IParametereziedObjectReader interface (similar for IParameterizedObjectWriter, etc) extend IParameter too, but I'd leave it empty.

Is this a bad idea? Or maybe I should leave only the IParameter interface and delete its subinterfaces?
For clarity I have to say that I don't use these Parameterized interfaces as markers anywhere in my code, so they'd be empty just for an architectural reason.

How would you design this solution differently?

Best Answer

Are empty interfaces (but not marker interfaces) a bad programming practice?

Generally, yes. By definition, empty interfaces provide you nothing. They can be marker interfaces (generally evil), or aliases for another type (occasionally useful due to legacy code when renaming something). But in a greenfield project like this they're just over-engineering and YAGNI.

How would you design this solution differently?

Without knowing more about your requirements, I can't say. But trying to make arbitrary read/write/process, with arbitrary number/shape of parameters is a fool's errand. Systems that can "do anything" aren't providing any useful abstraction over just writing code, and tend to be nightmares to implement and maintain. If you want a scripting language, go use a scripting language.

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