Java Recursion – Can a Recursive Function Have Iterations?


I've been studying about recursive functions, and apparently, they're functions that call themselves, and don't use iterations/loops (otherwise it wouldn't be a recursive function).

However, while surfing the web for examples (the 8-queens-recursive problem), I found this function:

private boolean placeQueen(int rows, int queens, int n) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (row < n) {
        while ((queens[row] < n - 1) && !result) {
            if (verify(row,queens,n)) {
                ok = placeQueen(row + 1,queens,n);
        if (!result) {
            queens[row] = -1;
        result = true;
    return result;

There is a while loop involved.

… so I'm a bit lost now. Can I use loops or not?

Best Answer

You misunderstood recursion: although it can be used to replace iteration, there is absolutely no requirement for the recursive function not to have iterations internal to itself.

The only requirement for a function to be considered recursive is the existence of a code path through which it calls itself, directly or indirectly. All correct recursive functions also have a conditional of some sort, preventing them from "recursing down" forever.

Your recursive function is ideal to illustrate the structure of recursive search with backtracking. It starts with the check of the exit condition row < n, and proceeds to making search decisions on its level of recursion (i.e. picking a possible position for queen number row). After each iteration, a recursive call is made to build upon the configuration that the function has found so far; eventually, it "bottoms out" when row reaches n in the recursive call that is n levels deep.

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