Java – Does modular programming affect computation time


Everyone says that I should make my code modular, but isn't it less efficient if I use more method calls rather than fewer, but larger, methods? What is the difference in Java, C, or C++ for that matter?

I get that it is easier to edit, read and understand, especially in a group. So is the computation time loss insignificant compared to the code tidiness benefits?

Best Answer

Yes, it is irrelevant.

Computers are tireless, near-perfect execution engines working at speeds totally un-comparable to brains. While there is a measurable amount of time that a function call adds to the execution time of a program, this is as nothing compared to the additional time needed by the brain of the next person involved with the code when they have to disentangle the unreadable routine to even begin to understand how to work with it. You can try the calculation out for a joke - assume that your code has to be maintained only once, and it only adds half an hour to the time needed for someone to come to terms with the code. Take your processor clock speed and calculate: how many times would the code have to run to even dream of offsetting that?

In short, taking pity on the CPU is completely, utterly misguided 99.99% of the time. For the rare remaining cases, use profilers. Do not assume that you can spot those cases - you can't.

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