Java – how can the presenter or view interact with the model in the MVP pattern


I'm learning the MV* patterns. MVP in this case. I'm trying to refactor an old android application into the MVP pattern to make things less tightly coupled, but I'm struggling one one concept. I know that the presenter get's data from the domain layer which connects through the data layer, but how can the view communicate with the data, directly or indirectly? here's an example of what I'm trying to figure out:

I've got a long running download service (I assume this should be in the data layer) that needs to be started or stopped depending on user interaction in the UI. How would I communicate those signals to the service in the data layer? should I do that through the domain layer?

from what I've seen it looks like the UI can not talk back to the data or domain layers.

If someone would be willing to explain this to me I'd be very grateful.

here are some of the articles I'm working off of:
first resource |
second resource |
third resource

Best Answer

In the MVP pattern is the View is "dumb". It doesn't really do anything. The presenter acts as the controlling object in the heirarchy, while the Model stores the data and has business logic methods on it.

That doesn't preclude the View from firing events, which are hooked by the Presenter to methods or properties on the model, or to other testable logic on the Presenter itself.

Your presenter has access to both the model and the view. On your presenter you can therefore hook up events fired on the View to methods or properties on the Model. The view and the model never know anything about each other.

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