Defensive Programming – Is It Necessary for Private Code?

api-designdata structuresjavaprogramming practices

I'm writing a Java implementation of a card game, so I created a special type of Collection I'm calling a Zone. All modification methods of Java's Collection are unsupported, but there's a method in the Zone API, move(Zone, Card), which moves a Card from the given Zone to itself (accomplished by package-private techniques). This way, I can ensure that no cards are taken out of a zone and simply vanish; they can only be moved to another zone.

My question is, how necessary is this kind of defensive coding? It's "correct," and it feels like the right practice, but it's not like the Zone API is ever going to be part of some public library. It's just for me, so it's kind of like I'm protecting my code from myself when I could probably be more efficient by just using standard Collections.

How far should I take this Zone idea? Can anyone give me some advice on how much I should think about preserving the contracts in classes I write, especially for ones that aren't really going to be publicly available?

Best Answer

I'm not going to address the design problem - just the question of whether to do things "correctly" in a non-public API.

it's just for me, so it's kind of like I'm protecting my own code from myself

That's exactly the point. Maybe there's coders out there who remember the nuances of every class and method they ever wrote and never mistakenly call into them with the wrong contract. I'm not one of them. I often forget how code I wrote is supposed to work within hours of writing it. After you think you've gotten it right once, your mind will tend to switch gears to the problem you're working on now.

You have tools to combat that. These tools include (in no particular order) conventions, unit tests and other automated tests, precondition checking, and documentation. I myself have found unit tests to be invaluable because they both force you to think about how your contract will be used and provide documentation later on how the interface was designed.

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