Java – Avoiding Factory Pattern While Managing Complexity


Factory pattern (or at least the use of FactoryFactory..) is the butt of many jokes, like here.

Apart from having verbose and "creative" names like RequestProcessorFactoryFactory.RequestProcessorFactory, is there anything fundamentally wrong with the factory pattern if you have to program in Java/C++ and there is a usecase for Abstract_factory_pattern?

How would another popular language (for example, Ruby or Scala) avoid having to use it while managing similar complexity?

The reason I am asking is I see mostly the criticism of factories mentioned in the context of the Java/Java EE ecosystem, but they never explain how other languages/frameworks solve them.

Best Answer

Your question is tagged with "Java", no surprise you're asking why is the Factory pattern being mocked: Java itself comes with a nicely packaged abuses of that pattern.

For example try loading an XML document from a file and run an XPath query against it. You need something like 10 lines of code just to setup the Factories and Builders:

DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); 

Document xmlDocument = builder.parse(new FileInputStream("c:\\employees.xml"));
XPath xPath =  XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();


I wonder if the guys designing this API ever worked as developers or did they just read books and throw things around. I understand they just didn't want to write a parser themselves and left the task to others but it still makes for an ugly implementation.

Since you're asking what's the alternative here's loading the XML file in C#:

XDocument xml = XDocument.Load("c:\\employees.xml");
var nodes = xml.XPathSelectElements(expression);

I suspect newly hatched Java developers see the Factory madness and think it's OK to do that - if the geniuses who built Java themselves have used them that much.

Factory and any Other patterns are tools, each suited for a particular job. If you apply them to jobs they aren't suited for you're bound to have ugly code.