Java Lambda Expressions vs Anonymous Inner Classes


There is a new hype with the long awaited lambda expressions in Java 8; every 3 day another article appears with them about how cool they are.

As far as I have understood a lambda expression is nothing more than an anonymous inner class with a single method (at least at the byte-code level). Besides this it comes with another nice feature – type inference but I believe the equivalent of this can be achieved with generics on some level (of course not in such a neat way as with lambda expressions).

Knowing this, are lambda expressions going to bring something more than just a syntactic sugaring in Java? Can I create more powerful and flexible classes or other object-oriented constructs with lambda expressions that aren't possible to be built with current language features?

Best Answer

tl;dr: while it's mostly syntactic sugar, that nicer syntax makes lots of things practical that used to end in endless, unreadable lines of braces and parentheses.

Well, it's actually the other way around as lambdas are much older than Java. Anonymous inner classes with a single method are (were) the closest Java came to lambdas. It's an approximation that was "good enough" for some time, but has a very nasty syntax.

On the surface, Java 8 lambdas seem to be not much more than syntactic sugar, but when you look below the surface, you see tons of interesting abstractions. For example the JVM spec treats a lambda quite differently from a "true" object, and while you can handle them as if they where objects, the JVM is not required to implement them as such.

But while all that technical trickery is interesting and relevant (since it allows future optimizations in the JVM!), the real benefit is "just" the syntactic sugar part.

What's easier to read: Mapper<String,String>() {
  public String map(String input) {
    return new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString();

or: -> new StringBuilder(element).reverse().toString());

or (using a method handle instead of a lambda):;

The fact that you can finally express in a concise way which would previously be 5 lines of code (of which 3 are utterly boring) brings a real change of what is practical (but not of what is possible, granted).