VIM Environment – Effective VIM Setup for Both C++ and Python


I have recently moved to a VIM environment for Python development. I learned the setup from John Anderson's outstanding web page on the subject. I am about to try and set up another VIM environment for C++. Is this even possible to do effectively? Or should I really have two accounts on my Linux box, one for Python, one for C++ development?

If anyone could outline their setup, either way, I would appreciate it greatly.

To further clarify the question, I am not asking "what is best way?" which is unanswerable. I am asking those VIM users who program both C++ and Python if they use one VIM environment, or two (perhaps on different accounts), and how they accomplish it either way.

(For Java, I am sticking with NetBeans and am pretty sure that is the right decision due to how well the build and Swing development tools are built into it, but am open to the idea of a VIM environment for all 3 languages if anyone has had success with it.)

Thanks much

Best Answer

If you need different settings for C and python, you can have them:

autocmd FileType python setlocal expandtab
autocmd FileType c setlocal noexpandtab
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