Java – Is using this complex data structure bad practice

data structuresjava

Right now in my current company I must "parse" a csv and extract some data out of it (in the sense of data mining).

I surprised myself by defining the following data structure (Java 8):

static List<Map<String, Map<String, LocalDate[]>>> intervalStructure

Is this considered bad practice? Should I use a self-define class instead to store some data?

Best Answer

This is a dumb, stringly typed data structure. It is a:

  • List
    • of Maps
      • keyed by String
      • of Maps
        • keyed by String
        • of Local date array

This makes it difficult to create, traverse, and could very well get you into code that looks like:


And guess what... you've got a null pointer exception that was thrown on that line.

Setting up the structure isn't much fun either. That this is a rawish data structure means that you have to do all of the adds and deletes by hand working on the interfaces (that can be rather deep) rather than working with a Constructor or Builder.

You've linked the representation that is passed around in your code to the representation of the file. When one needs to change, the other needs to change - and possibly in multiple locations. Think of the joys you will have when you have an xml or json or yaml data file behind it and need to go through and change things.

This all in all is a bad idea.

A better idea would be to have one or more classes that exposes the logic of fetching the data. You have a Structure. It exposes a get(String bar, String qux) and returns back a List. This allows you to isolate the traversal of the structure (if it is that) in private fields so that it can change as needed. It also exposes an add(String bar, String qux, LocalDate date) which allows you to clearly isolate the logic for building it in a testable way.

You may find that you want other questions of that data that you want answered. Maybe you want a isInRange(...) or contains(...) or something else that you ask. Failing to have this as a nice class with corresponding methods to answer those questions, you will find that you either have a static method in a helper class (this is beginning to smell) that acts on that data.

public static boolean contains(List<Map<String, Map<String, LocalDate[]>>> arg, LocalDate value)

That looks as ugly as it is. Don't do that.

If you don't do that, you will have a copy of that logic each time you use it which is not at all DRY.

Either way, working on raw data structures like this is undesirable.

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