Java – Managing Spanish Code


We have a new project from a client who is Spanish and has all his Java code and comments, variables, method names in Spanish.

We are not permitted to convert it into English and then use them. If any of you have worked in such a condition, can you advice what can be done to mitigate this risk as we have to do new developments and this is a major show stopper..

Their Java project has a mix of EJBs, Struts, Custom Framework and more than 10000 Java Files with atleast total of 200k lines of code (min. estimate) and is deployed using Weblogic Server 10


Best Answer

Live with it. We have a similar problem, that ironically is also with Spanish code. We're using google translate on a daily basis. But our code is not entirely in Spanish, with us it's just in a small module that does front-end. Still, it sucks, but we calculated that living with it is cheaper than investing in persuading the people responsible, that this is a bad idea.