Java – minimalistic setup for Agile Development for a small team


I have 10 developers and 3 Testes team and I want to setup CruiseControle as CI for automated builds, tests and deployment to production server and some repository for SCM ( Source Code Management). I need something that would enable the team lead to create tickets (tasks) for each sprint in SCRUM and issue/bug tracking and task time tracking. I want to use simplest possible solution that just gets the job done with the minimum requirements specified in this SO question. I do not want to use heavy weight or feature rich software ( either free or costly), just the simplest possible setup.

Each developer is using Eclipse STS IDE. So it must be something that is integrated into STS (like available as STS plugin, again to keep things as simple as possible).

This is for development of Java web application.

Best Answer

The best ticketing system by far is a white board with sticky notes.

This doesn't meet the requirement of integrating with STS, but I find sticky notes beat any software solution (as long as the team is not geographically dispersed).

  • They're extremely easy to visualize and work with.
  • Adding work to a sprint means physically adding a sticky to the board. This is a good barrier against scope creep.
  • The high visibility of progress is motivating.
  • It's easy to show nontechnical stakeholders what's going on.
  • The board becomes a meeting point where people talk to each other and exchange information.
  • It helps me get away from my desk and stretch my legs. As a desk jockey, I can use every health advantage I can get!

As for source control, use SVN or Git. If your employer demands you use some kind of heavyweight, bogged down "enterprise scm" that only gets in your way, use Git anyway and push to the central SCM on sprint boundaries.

Continuous Integration in Java projects is usually handled by Hudson/Jenkins these days. It's very quick to set up. Make sure you put up a radiator screen in a visible place!