Java Naming Conventions – Classes with Static Main Method


After reading gnat's answer to Why a static main method in Java and C#, rather than a constructor? I take his answer to mean that the purpose of a Java class with a static main method is to define a program entry point and that it is not meant to be the program itself.

There may be a better way to do this, but I usually have the class with the static main method to do something simple like this:

public class MenuLauncher
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Menu menu = new Menu();;

Would the code above be the best practice for OOP where the class with static main doesn't do much more than launch or start program logic contained within a separate non-static object; after-all main is static so wouldn't the MenuLauncher class itself be very limited? Since main is a starting point I don't see any other purpose for the class other than to be a point of entry.

Is there a Java naming convention commonly used for classes that contain a main method and serve the purpose of being a program entry-point?

Best Answer

No, there is no widely used naming conventions for this. Examples I have seen are Main, Application, XLauncher or X, where X is the name of the project/application.

And yes, I think it's good for this class to contain only the minimum logic/code necessary to set up the application and start it. But I'm sure there are a lot of God Objects and Big Balls of Mud out there with a main method tacked onto a multi thousand line monstrosity.