Java Web Applications – How to Make a Stock Inventory Application

javaMySQLtomcatweb servicesweb-applications

I need to make an application for my dad to keep track of stock trading inventory. He trades shares for himself and for his clients and would like to keep the records, things like buy/sell price of shares, profits, loss, date etc etc for his shares and his client shares and would like various kind of reports/views.

He uses windows. I want to provide a local html page where he will enter new information and this should go to a local database and from his html page, he can choose reports etc and the reports will be displayed on the webpage etc..

I am thinking of using struts (and windows,tomcat) and mysql to make this application. I know some stuff from college days, but would look into the tutorials to setup things and program.

Does this selection of technology looks good enough or something more easier and equally good exist?


This is what I have settled for: Used mysql/windows, navicat lite and populated database/tables, and wrote some procedures taking some inputs. Like one procedure takes date and stock name as input and gives you quantity you have of that stock by that date and profit/loss so far, effective buy price of each share of that stock. This is for individual basis usage..and it looks like this will suffice for now — very very simple, but I could custom create tables,custom create queries/procedures..Dad gets "contract notes" from his broker containing his daily transactions and I could get these notes online, compile these of last 2-3 years into one table and so the thing is in working state..very primitive, but works for his requirements for now.
and yes, made 2 accounts (one read-only priviledge account using which he will run his queries,procedures etc) and other root, which he will use when populating his tables say once or twice in 15 days.

Best Answer

I would recommend to use Play Framework with Java and MySQL for this. It's a typical database oriented application, so you should design the database schema carefulle before you start coding. Play Framework is a Java web framework with a short development cycle, just save your source code and update your web page - inpired by Ruby on Rails.

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