Java Programming – Benefits of Using Plain Old Data Classes

code smellcode-qualityjavaobject-oriented

In legacy code I occasionally see classes that are nothing but wrappers for data. something like:

class Bottle {
   int height;
   int diameter;
   Cap capType;

   getters/setters, maybe a constructor

My understanding of OO is that classes are structures for data and the methods of operating on that data. This seems to preclude objects of this type. To me they are nothing more than structs and kind of defeat the purpose of OO. I don't think it's necessarily evil, though it may be a code smell.

Is there a case where such objects would be necessary? If this is used often, does it make the design suspect?

Best Answer

Definitely not evil and not a code smell in my mind. Data containers are a valid OO citizen. Sometimes you want to encapsulate related information together. It's a lot better to have a method like

public void DoStuffWithBottle(Bottle b)
    // do something that doesn't modify Bottle, so the method doesn't belong
    // on that class


public void DoStuffWithBottle(int bottleHeight, int bottleDiameter, Cap capType)

Using a class also allows you to add an additional parameter to Bottle without modifying every caller of DoStuffWithBottle. And you can subclass Bottle and further increase the readability and organization of your code, if needed.

There are also plain data objects that can be returned as a result of a database query, for example. I believe the term for them in that case is "Data Transfer Object".

In some languages there are other considerations as well. For example, in C# classes and structs behave differently, since structs are a value type and classes are reference types.