Repeated Instantiation of the Same Class in Java and C#

cjavaobject-orientedprogramming practices

This is sort of a follow up question on Multiple Same Object Instantiation.
And I think, is not really language specific, so this is applicable to Java and C#?

Version A

public MyClass {
    public void methodX() {}

    public void methodY(int i, object o) {
        GeometrySplitter splitter = new GeomterySplitter(int i, object o);

    public void methodZ() {}

Version B

public MyClass {
    private GeometrySplitter splitter = new GeometrySplitter();

    public void methodX() {}

    public void methodY(int i, object o) {
        splitter.chop(int i, object o);

    public void methodZ() {}

A colleague says that Version B is a better code practice, because the class is only instantiated once. My own reasoning is that the internal variable is only used in methodY(int i, object o) and thus it should be created within the method itself, as displayed in Version A.

My colleague then reasons that if that method is called 4000 times a second. For every method call an new instance of that class is created. And this is bad for performance and memory use.

Is this true? If so or not, can someone clarify this?

Best Answer

Prefer version A unless you have a concrete reason to worry about the effect of many invocations of the method.

There is a general principle "variables should be declared as close as possible to where they are used", which should be followed unless you have a good reason not to. Version A obeys this principle, and has several benefits:

  • You can see the object declaration right where you are using it. In version B, once you go beyond a trivial example to real code, the declaration and instantiation of the object may be far from its use. This makes the code less clear.
  • Limiting the scope limits opportunities for error. In version A, the object only exists right when you are using it. In version B, it is hanging around and accessible to other methods. It's possible that this could lead to a bug. For example, if you have to declare several objects like this for several different methods, you might accidentally use the wrong one somewhere.
  • Memory is only being held while you use the object. Version A may cause more memory allocations, and that may be harmful in the context of languages with Java-like garbage collection. But it's worth noting that version A actually ties up less memory total in the longer term, because the object only exists while it is actually needed (and not at all if that method doesn't get called). It's not true that one version is definitely preferable in terms of memory.

For this reason I would prefer A (without knowing anything else about how this code is used).

It's true that B is beneficial in specific cases. As your friend notes, if the method is invoked many times, version B would use memory more effectively (and it would also avoid repeatedly incurring the overhead of instatiating the object).

But worrying about this when you don't actually know you have a memory or performance problem is a classic case of premature optimisation. And there are actually cases where version A performs better. For example, what if your code involves creating thousands of MyClass objects, but MethodY is rarely used? In this case, A may be the better design in terms of memory.