Java Comparison – Shallow vs. Deep Equal: Which is Idiomatic?


I have a domain model in which I use a few aggregation relations, i.e. an object of class A contains zero or more objects of class B.

I use Java for the implementation and I represent such an aggregation as a field of type List<B> in A, and a field of type A in B. In this way, each object can be the root of an aggregation tree. Classes A and B may also contain other shallow fields, i.e. fields of type int, float, String, and so on.

Now I need to define different kinds of equality methods on my model:

  1. Shallow equality: compare two instances of A by comparing its shallow fields only, i.e. leaving out references to other domain objects. In this case, I am only interested to know if two nodes have the same contents.
  2. Deep equality: compare two instances of A by comparing its shallow fields and by recursively comparing its children. In this case, I want to check if two complete trees are equal.

I considered overriding the hashCode() and equals() methods for class A but I do not know if this should be the shallow equality or the deep equality method. Once I decide which of the two equality methods is implemented as A.equals(), I will define the other method with another name. This is an important choice because the equals() method determines such things as membership in a Set.

So, is one of the two possibilities (shallow versus deep equality) considered a more idiomatic choice for implementing the equals method in Java?

Best Answer

I prefer to think of "equals" this way: if a.equals(b) then you can replace all references to b with references to a and the program behavior will not change. This is true for immutable value classes like String and should be true for quasi-value classes like Date. I think this is the way most Java programmers expect "equals" to behave.

Defining equals in some other way, so that things are sort-of equal, is likely to lead to subtle bugs when some future programmer puts these instances in a hash table or set. That programmer will then hate you forever.