Java – Store encrypted data in XML



I work in the energy domain with devices that send data in clear text over some medium, that finally ends on a computer. The data is there decoded and stored in XML files.

A current XML file storing data for a device looks like this at the moment:

    <SomeOtherParam />
            <Key name="Energy" ... />
            <Value unit="kWh">42.56</Value>
            <Key name="Volume" ... />
            <Value unit="m3">2.317</Value>


Now, with the emergence of IoT, new devices must send some parts of their data encrypted (some parts can still remain unencrypted though). When the data reaches the computer, it's possible (but not mandatory) that the data is still encrypted and could not be decrypted at this moment. However, I still need to save it in XML for a further decryption but the actual XML structure wasn't designed to store encrypted data.

Imagined solutions

Solution 1

        <Key name="Volume" ... />
        <Value unit="m3">2.317</Value>

Solution 2

            <Key name="Volume" ... />
            <Value unit="m3">2.317</Value>

Solution 3

        <Key name="Volume" ... />
        <Value unit="m3">2.317</Value>

Personal thoughts

  • Solution 1: could provide a minimalist working solution
  • Solution 2: could possibly break backward-compatibility
  • Solution 3: what should replace ??? ?


What would be the ideal evolution of the XML's structure to store the encrypted data (keep in mind that I need to keep backward-compatibility) ?

I also found that the W3C has already published a recommendation long time ago. Should I stick to this instead ? Basically, it means ??? of solution 3 could be filled with a recommended structure.

Precision: these XML files are manipulated with JAXB. If JAXB has any facilitation with encryption, it could be an advantage if the new XML structure is directly supported.

Best Answer

One possible suggestion: Add an attribute to any XML tag.

<Record Encrypted="true">ABNSDJDFGHD</Record>

Then when reading you can still read the tag and based on the attribute call an additional function to decrypt the data. The Encrypted attribute could be added to any tag. Your current XML structure would remain the same.