Industry Definition of an Interpreter vs Compiler – Explained

compilercomputer scienceinterpretersjava

In my compiler design courses, I have learned about and worked with a clear academic definition of an interpreter and a compiler, with an interpreter being

a program Pi from a language M capable of taking a program i from a language I and an input and executing i with the given input and the correct semantics for I on a machine capable of running programs from M

and a compiler being

a program Pc that, when given a valid program i from a language I as an input, produces a semantically equivalent program o in a language O

This definition would clearly put the usual execution of Java bytecode by a JVM in the domain of interpretation, no matter how much JIT compilation is done. (Of course, Java is also compiled before, from Java code to Java bytecode.) I have encountered opinions in discussions on this site that clearly and vehemently state the opposite, i.e. that Java Bytecode execution thingies are compilers. Since I am about to make the leap from academics to industry, I am a little bit confused here:

Is the above definition of interpreters false from the viewpoint of industry people in general? Or is it just false for Java people? Is the view of Java as a fully compiled language an alternate, but minority view? Or just a few loonies?

(PS: Please do not move this to cstheory. I have deliberately put this question here since I would really like to get the view of the professional industrial, not the academic community.)

Best Answer

This definition would clearly put the usual execution of Java bytecode in the domain of interpretation, no matter how much JIT compilation is done. I have encountered opinions in discussions on this site that clearly and vehemently state the opposite, i.e. that Java Bytecode execution thingies are compilers.

Well, the two definitions aren't mutually exclusive. An interpreter can contain a compiler (in fact, most modern interpreters contain at least a bytecode compiler).

But I think the intuitive definition most people here use is something like:

  • a compiler creates native code that is then run directly by the CPU
  • an interpreter has some kind of "interpreter main loop" that reads instructions (either source code statements or something like precompiled P-Code or bytecode) and performs instructions accordingly.

By this distinction, an "interpreter" is usually an order of magnitude slower than a "compiled" program. So when we're talking about performance, this definition is more useful than the classic CS definition.

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