Java – throwing runtime exception in Java application


I am working as a contractor designing enterprise Java application for my client in the role of a technical lead. The application will be used by end users and there will be a support team who will support the application when we leave.

The other technical leads with whom I am working are under the impression that exception handling will make the code dirty. The system should throw checked exceptions only from the Service tier and the rest of the code should throw runtime exceptions from all other tiers so that there is no need to handle the unchecked exceptions.

What is a need to ever throw a unchecked exception in a business application?

From my experience in the past about runtime exceptions:

1) Unchecked exceptions make the code unpredictable because they do not show up even in the Javadoc.

2) Throwing Unchecked exceptions in a business application is non-sense because when you throw it and it goes straight on Users face, how do you explain it to the user? I have seen enough of web application which show 500 -Internal Error. Contact Administrator which means nothing for a end user or to the support team managing the application.

3) Throwing runtime exceptions forces the users of the class throwing the exception to walk through the source code to debug and see why the exception is thrown. This can only be avoided if the Javadoc of the runtime exception happens to be excellently documented which I find is never a case.

Best Answer

Checked exceptions are a failed expriment in language design. They force you to have extremely leaky abstractions and dirty code. They should be avoided as much as possible.

As for your points:

1) Checked exceptions make the code dirty, and no less unpredictable because they show up everywhere.

2) How is a checked exception being shown to the user any better? The only real difference between checked and unchecked exceptions is technical and affects only the source code.

3) Ever heard of stack traces? They tell you exactly where the exception was thrown, no matter whether it's checked or unchecked. Actually, checked exceptions tend to be worse for debugging because they're often wrapped which leads to longer and uglier stack traces, or even lost atogether because the wrapping was done wrong.

There are two kinds of exceptions: those that occur "normally" and are typically handled very close to where they occur, and those that are reallly exceptional and can be handled generically in a very high layer (just abort the current action and log it / show an error).

Checked exceptions were an attempt to put this distinction into the language syntax at the point the exceptions are defined. The problems with this are

  • The distinction is really up to the caller, not the code that throws the exception
  • It's completely orthogonal to the semantic meaning of an exception, but tying it to the class hierarchy forces you to mix the two
  • The whole point of exceptions is that you can decide at what level to catch them without risking to lose an error silently or having to pollute the code at intermediate levels or ; checked exceptions lose that second advantage.