Unit Testing Wrapper Methods in Java

javatestingunit testing

I have to write unit tests for some classes my group is developing. The classes are fairly simple, and I'm not sure how to best test them.

public class MyObjectRegistry
    private myDataSetMapper = new MyDataSetMapper();

    public boolean StoreObjects(list<MyObject> myObjectList)

public class  MyDataSetMapper
    public boolean StoreObjects(list<MyObject> myObjectList)
        for(MyObject myObj: myObjectList)
            boolean result = StoreObject(myObj);

    private boolean StoreObject(MyObject myObject)
        //Store the object in a database

So my question is how to test the MyObjectRegistry.StoreObjects and MyDataSetWrapper.StoreObjects methods since there's no real logic other than a foreach loop and calling out to another method.

I've looked around the web and found that I think I'm looking at a "facade" class/method, but I'm still unclear on what would I should test/assert in the test method.

Best Answer

So unit tests are there to test logic, not plumbing. You don't have any logic in your (albeit small) example so it dosent need testing.

Generally speaking it should be obvious what needs testing in a method since it does one thing and its name tells you what it does. If that isnt the case you should probably look into breaking your code into smaller components.