Java Code Organization – Using Nested Public Classes for Constants


I'm working on an application with many constants. At the last code review it came up that the constants are too scattered and should all be organized into a single "master" constants file. The disagreement is about how to organize them. The majority feel that using the constant name should be good enough, but this will lead to code that looks like this:

public static final String CREDITCARD_ACTION_SUBMITDATA = "6767";
public static final String CREDITCARD_UIFIELDID_CARDHOLDER_NAME = "3959854";
public static final String CREDITCARD_UIFIELDID_EXPIRY_MONTH = "3524";
public static final String CREDITCARD_UIFIELDID_ACCOUNT_ID = "3524";
public static final String BANKPAYMENT_UIFIELDID_ACCOUNT_ID = "9987";

I find this type of naming convention to be cumbersome. I thought it might be easier to use public nested class, and have something like this:

public class IntegrationSystemConstants
    public class CreditCard
        public static final String UI_EXPIRY_MONTH = "3524";
        public static final String UI_ACCOUNT_ID = "3524";
    public class BankAccount
        public static final String UI_ACCOUNT_ID = "9987";

This idea wasn't well received because it was "too complicated" (I didn't get much detail as to why this might be too complicated). I think this creates a better division between groups of related constants and the auto-complete makes it easier to find these as well. I've never seen this done though, so I'm wondering if this is an accepted practice or if there's better reasons that it shouldn't be done.

Best Answer

I don't agree with either of the two proposals.

Constants should be in their pertinent classes, not in an all-constant class in either of the two forms proposed.

There shouldn't be constants-only classes/interfaces.

A class CreditCard (not an internal class) should exist. This class/interface has methods relative to credits cards as well as the constants UI_EXPIRY_MONTH and UI_ACCOUNT_ID.

There should exist a class/interface BankAccount (not an internal class). This class/interface has methods relative to bank accounts as well as constant UI_ACCOUNT_ID.

For example in the Java API every class/interface has its constants. They are not in a Constants class/interface with hundreds of constants, either grouped into inner classes or not.

For example, these constants pertinent to result sets are in the interface ResultSet:

static int  CONCUR_READ_ONLY 
static int  FETCH_FORWARD 
static int  FETCH_REVERSE 
static int  FETCH_UNKNOWN 
static int  TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY 

This interface has method signatures relative to result sets, and implementing classes implement that behavior. They are not mere constant-holders.

These constants pertinent to UI actions are in the interface javax.swing.Action:

static String   ACCELERATOR_KEY 
static String   ACTION_COMMAND_KEY 
static String   DEFAULT 
static String   LONG_DESCRIPTION 
static String   MNEMONIC_KEY 
static String   NAME 
static String   SHORT_DESCRIPTION 
static String   SMALL_ICON 

Implementing classes have behavior relative to UI actions, they are not mere constant holders.

I know at least one "constants" interface (SwingConstants) with no methods but it doesn't have hundreds of constants, just a few, and they are all related to directions and positions of UI elements:

static int  BOTTOM 
static int  CENTER 
static int  EAST 
static int  HORIZONTAL 
static int  LEADING 
static int  LEFT 
static int  NEXT 
static int  NORTH 
static int  NORTH_EAST 
static int  NORTH_WEST 
static int  PREVIOUS 
static int  RIGHT 
static int  SOUTH 
static int  SOUTH_EAST 
static int  SOUTH_WEST 
static int  TOP 
static int  TRAILING 
static int  VERTICAL 
static int  WEST 

I think constants only classes are not good OO design.

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