Java Database Design – Storing Inherited Objects in a Database


For my personal project I need to store 2D shapes in a Postgres database. For example Circle, Pentagon, Rectangle and so on. At first I've done it like so: all shapes are inherited from an abstract class called Shapes, which has some methods that I need each object to perform on itself, for example (I'm using java with Spring data):

for(Shape shape : shapes){

This is good in code, but I don't know a good way to store this in a database. Every shape has some parameters that are different from others (radius for circle, height and length for rectangle etc.) so it looks like I need many tables for each geometry type. But how to reference each shape from another table then?

Right now I try to solve this with a single class called Geometry. It has a type field and a set of parameters linked to it Circle for example will have one record in table Geometry and one record in table Parameters. This class also has all the methods needed for each available shape, like this:

        case circle: ....
        case pentagon: ...

But I'm wondering if there are more elegant ways to solve this?

Best Answer

That depends on if you just want to store the shapes, or perform queries on their properties.

If you just want to store them, the simplest way is to serialize them and store the serialized data, along with a shapeid field to let you know what kind of shape you've got. Each subclass could handle its own serialization. Very similar to storing images in a database.

If you want to perform queries on the properties of a given shape, you have to expose those properties as columns on a table, or use PostgreSQL's geometric types (as Patrick Mevzek mentioned). However, using types from a given database engine is not very portable.