Java Data Structures – Best Design Patterns for Object Methods

data structuresjava

Typical Distance between Cities Grid


1.  getDistance(CityA,CityB) // Returns distance between two cities
2.  getCitiesInRadius(CityA,integer) // Returns cities within a given distance of another city
3.  getCitiesBeyondRadius(CityA,integer) //Returns cities beyond a given distance of another city
4.  getRemoteDestinations(integer) // Returns all city pairs greater than x distance of each other
5.  getLocalDestinations(integer) //Returns all city pairs within x distance of each other

Best Answer

public class Map {
    private Hashmap<String, City> cities;
    public Distance getDistance(CityA,CityB) // Returns distance between two cities
    public List<City> getCitiesInRadius(CityA, Distance) // Returns cities within a given distance of another city
    publi List<City> getCitiesBeyondRadius(CityA,Distance) //Returns cities beyond a given distance of another city
    public List<City> getRemoteDestinations(Distance) // Returns all city pairs greater than x distance of each other
    public List<City> getLocalDestinations(Distance) //Returns all city pairs within x distance of each other

public class City {
    private String name;
    private HashMap<City, Distance> distanceTo;
    //getter/setters etc

You'll need to keep track of distances in both directions, not just one. Ie, Abernathy to Gruver, and then Gruver will also have Abernathy's distance.

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