Java Code Quality – When Does ‘Proper’ Programming No Longer Matter?

code-qualitygame developmentjavaperformance

I've been building an android game in my spare time. It's using the libgdx library so quite a bit of the heavy lifting is done for me.

While developing, I carelessly selected datatypes for some procedures. I used a hashtable because I wanted something close to an associative array. Human readable key values. In other places to achieve similar things, I use a vector. I know libgdx has vector2 and vector3 classes, but I've never used them.

When I come across weird problems and search Stack Overflow for help, I see a lot of people just reaming the questions that use a certain datatype when another one is technically "proper." Like using an ArrayList because it does not require defined bounds versus re-defining an int[] with new known boundaries. Or even something trivial like this:

for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i ++)
    // do something

I know it evaluates item.length on every iteration. However, I also know items will never be more than 15 to 20 items. So should I care if I evaluate items.length on every iteration?

I ran some tests to see how the app performs using the method I just described versus the proper, follow the tutorial and use the exact data types suggested by the community. The results: Same thing. Average 45 fps. I opened every app on the phone and galaxy tab. No difference.

So I guess my question to you is this: Is there a threshold when it no longer matters to be proper? Is it ok to say – "so long as it gets the job done, I don't care?"

Best Answer

You write a program to solve a problem. That problem is accompanied by a specific set of requirements for solving it. If those requirements are met, the problem is solved and the objective is achieved.

That's it.

Now, the reason that best practices are observed is because some requirements have to do with maintainability, testability, performance guarantees and so forth. Consequently, you have those pesky folks like me who require things like proper coding style. It doesn't take that much more effort to cross your T's and dot your I's, and it is a gesture of respect to those who have to read your code later and figure out what it does.

For large systems, this kind of restraint and discipline is essential, because you have to play nice with others to get it all to work, and you have to minimize technical debt so that the project doesn't collapse under its own weight.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are those one-off utilities that you write to solve a specific problem right now, utilities that you'll never use again. In those cases, style and best practices are completely irrelevant; you hack the thing together, run it, and get on with the next thing.

So, as with so many things in software development, it depends.