Java – When to use RCP


I like to write small GUI applications using Java and Swing, something like a client for the social website Tumblr

Should I use Eclipse RCP or the Netbeans platform?

And what benefits do I get from using either one over using plain swing/SWT?

Do RCP applications require more dependencies than those developed using Swing or SWT?

Best Answer

Deckard had a pretty good response. I'd like to add that it's worth considering how this project will be maintained down the road. Consider how many of your coworkers (or developers in general) are familiar with Swing et al vs. how many are familiar with RCP. My organization had some headaches when we wanted to dust off an old RCP application. It turns out that most of the people involved with designing the project had either left the company or moved into non-developmental roles. Our in-house expertise was more in Swing, so this made things more difficult than they needed to be. We also had a desire to integrate parts of it with a separate, Swing-based application, and again the fact that the old app was an RCP application made things difficult.

I'm not saying you shouldn't create an RCP app, but these are some things you might want to consider first.