Java – Who Extends Interfaces and Why?


AFAIK, my class extends parent classes and implements interfaces. But I run across a situation, where I can't use implements SomeInterface. It is the declaration of a generic types. For example:

public interface CallsForGrow {...}

public class GrowingArrayList <T implements CallsForGrow>  // BAD, won't work!
                              extends ArrayList<T> 

Here using implements is syntactically forbidden. I thought first, that using interface inside <> is forbidden at all, but no. It is possible, I only have to use extends instead of implements. As a result, I am "extending" an interface. This another example works:

public interface CallsForGrow {...}

public class GrowingArrayList <T extends CallsForGrow>  // this works!
                              extends ArrayList<T> 

To me it seems as a syntactical inconsistancy. But maybe I don't understand some finesses of Java 6? Are there other places where I should extend interfaces? Should the interface, that I mean to extend, have some special features?

Best Answer

In the case of generic type variables the compiler doesn't actually care if T is a class, an interface, an enum or an annotation. All it cares about is that it is a type with a given set of sub- and super-types.

And there is no reason to complicate the syntax just because in one other place (where you actually implement an interface) the distinction between classes and interfaces is relevant (for example if you implement an interface, you need to implement all methods it defines, but you don't need to, if you extend a (non-abstract) class).

Assuming for a moment that you'd have to write implements here, then you'd also need a separate syntax for enum values (instead of simply writing <E extends Enum<E>>) and annotations (which you can easily declare using <A extends Annotation>).

The only place where you need to write implements is at the point where you actually implement the interface. At that point (and that point only) the difference is important, because you must implement the methods defined in the interface. For everyone else, it doesn't matter if any given A is a base class or an implemented interface of B: it's a super-type and that's all that matters.

Also note that there's one other place where you use extends with interfaces:

interface A {

interface B extends A {

At this point implements would be wrong, because B does not implement A.

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