Android API Design – Why Bundle API Accepts ArrayLists


I'm new to Android and while going through a tutorial on saving Activity state to a Bundle, I noticed that instead of accepting the more generic List interface, Bundle's put methods are expecting ArrayLists.


Bundle.putCharSequenceArrayList(key, value)
Bundle.putIntegerArrayList(key, value)
Bundle.putParcelableArrayList(key, value)
Bundle.putStringArrayList(key, value)

Most of us are familiar with item 52 of Effective Java suggesting that objects must be refered to by their interface, so I am wondering what was the reason behind this API decision.

Is ArrayList perhaps the preferred list implementation in Android?

Best Answer

Just a guess: Maybe Bundele-content must be be serializable and not every Lists implementation is serializable.

From sdk-doc public Bundle.Bundle (ClassLoader)

  Constructs a new, empty Bundle that uses a specific 
  ClassLoader for instantiating Parcelable and Serializable objects.