Java Recursion – Why Java Lacks Tail-Recursion Optimization


From what I have read: The reason is because it is not easy to determine which method will actually be called as we have inheritance.

However, why doesn't Java at least have tail-recursion optimization for static methods and enforce proper way to call static methods with the compiler?

Why doesn't Java have any support at all for tail-recursion?

I am not sure if there is any difficulty here at all.

Regarding the suggested duplicate, as explained by Jörg W Mittag1:

  • The other question asks about TCO, this one about TRE. TRE is much simpler than TCO.
  • Also, the other question asks about what limitations the JVM imposes on language implementations that wish to compile to the JVM, this question asks about Java, which is the one language that is not restricted by the JVM, since the JVM spec can be changed by the same people who design Java.
  • And lastly, there isn't even a restriction in the JVM about TRE, because the JVM does have intra-method GOTO, which is all that's needed for TRE

1Formatting added to call out points made.

Best Answer

As explained by Brian Goetz (Java Language Architect at Oracle) in this video:

in jdk classes [...] there are a number of security sensitive methods that rely on counting stack frames between jdk library code and calling code to figure out who's calling them.

Anything that changed the number of frames on the stack would break this and would cause an error. He admits this was a stupid reason, and so the JDK developers have since replaced this mechanism.

He further then mentions that it's not a priority, but that tail recursion

will eventually get done.

N.B. This applies to HotSpot and the OpenJDK, other VMs may vary.