Java Boolean Type – Why Is It Not Named ‘bool’?


Java has

  • int and Integer
  • boolean and Boolean

This seems a bit inconsistent, why not either

  • bool vs Boolean to use an established shorter name for primitive type?


  • integer vs Integer to keep type names consistent?

I think C++ had decided to use bool quite a bit earlier than Java decided to use boolean, and maybe also some (non-standard at the time?) C extensions too, so there would have been historical precedence for bool. I've noticed I often instinctively try to use bool at first (good thing modern editors immediately spot this without extra compilation round), so it'd be nice to know the rationale behind current state of affairs.

If someone remembers (a part of) the story, or can even find and link to relevant historical discussion in the net, that would be great.

Best Answer

Without getting in contact with people who were actually involved in these design decisions, I think we're unlikely to find a definitive answer. However, based on the timelines of the development of both Java and C++, I would conjecture that Java's boolean was chosen before, or contemporaneously with, the introduction bool to C++, and certainly before bool was in wide use. It is possible that boolean was chosen due to its longer history of use (as in Boolean Algebra), or to match other languages (such as Pascal) which already had a boolean type.

Historical context

According to Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006, the bool type was introduced to C++ in 1993.

Java included boolean in its first release in 1995 (Java Language Specification 1.0). The earliest language specification I can find is the Oak 0.2 specification (Oak was later renamed to Java). That Oak specification is marked "Copyright 1994", but the project itself was started in 1991, and apparently had a working demo by the summer of 1992.