Java – Why not Green Threads


Whilst I know questions on this have been covered already (e.g., I don't feel like I've got a satisfactory answer.

The question is: why don't JVM's support green threads anymore?

It says this on the code-style Java FAQ:

A green thread refers to a mode of operation for the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) in which all code is executed in a single operating
system thread.

And this over on

The downside is that using green threads means system threads on Linux
are not taken advantage of and so the Java virtual machine is not
scalable when additional CPUs are added.

It seems to me that the JVM could have a pool of system processes equal to the number of cores, and then run green threads on top of that. This could offer some big advantages when you have a very large number of threads which block often (mostly because current JVM's cap the number of threads).


Best Answer

I remember the JVM abandoning green threads and moving to native threads. This was for two simple reasons: the green threads were frankly rubbish, and there was a need to support multi-core processors with the limited developer effort available at Sun.

This was a shame - green threads provide a far better abstraction, allowing concurrency to be a useful tool not a stumbling block. But green threads are no use if several hurdles can't be overcome:

  • they must use all the cpu cores available to them

  • context switching must be cheap

  • I/O may block any thread engaged in it, but not any other thread and certainly not all other threads, which was the case in some early implementations.

I've often wondered why multi-threading is so hard in Java but it's now becoming clearer - it was ultimately to do with the switch to native threads, which are:

  • good at using all the cpu cores

  • good at being truly concurrent, providing independent I/O etc

  • slow at context switching (compared with the best green thread implementations)

  • horribly greedy with memory, hence limiting the maximum usable number of them

  • a poor abstraction for any basis for expressing the real world, which is highly concurrent of course.

Nowadays, a lot of programmer time now goes into coding up non-blocking I/O, futures etc. It's a big shame we don't have a better level of abstraction.

For comparison, besides Erlang the new Go language does a good job of huge concurrency. The grand-daddy of them all remains Occam, still an ongoing research project.

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