Java Enum – Is Combining Enums with Static Strings Sloppy?


Currently my team has a number of constants defined as static final strings. I want to be able to iterate over these strings as if they were an enum in one location, but everywhere else they are used just as constant strings. The other developers do not want them as Enums because they don't want to have to add a .value to the enum every time they want to use the constants, feeling it's too verbose and thus cumbersome.

It seems like the easiest way to maintain the way others have done things while still getting the convenience of iterating (without getting into reflection) is to do both. Have an enum, but in addition define a static final field which is set equal to the enum's value for each enum, so that others can choose to use the static string most of the time, but have the enum to fall back on when they want a true "Enum".

However, somehow this feels wrong to me, even though it meets the two desired needs. Is there a better way of making these strings iterable?

Best Answer

I want to be able to iterate over these strings as if they were an enum in one location, but everywhere else they are used just as constant strings.

So define a list (or vector or array), load the necessary items into it and iterate over that.
If you really only need it in one location, define and load it there. If there's a chance that you might want to use it again then define it alongside the static String values.