Javascript – AngularJS and NodeJS required version


I am new to the world of Javascript and their frameworks, and I feel a bit lost with this. I am trying to follow the official toutorial of AngularJS. In one of the first sections, it reads

Install Node.js If you want to run the preconfigured local web-server
and the test tools then you will also need Node.js v0.10.27+.

You can download a Node.js installer for your operating system from

The doubt is: why have I to use NodeJS 0.10.27? it's a old version, given that now (as I've just seen in the NodeJS's website) the project is on the version 4./5.

If I am saying things that aren't, please correct me.


I tried to follow the steps of the tutorial with the 4.* version and I'couldnt due to the required NodeJS version of the dependencies.

Best Answer

You can do an installation of NVM (Node Manager Version) and work with any version of node on the same host.

Repository of NVM

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