Javascript – Do I need to put a license in the website’s HTML and/or CSS


I am making a website for a competition my school is taking part in, however I am not on the team and am not receiving any compensation (save for better references :P). The only condition I have set is that I receive full credit and attributions.

All of my Javascript files have MIT licenses at the top, as they were written as libraries some time ago, and I want to ensure that my conditions are met. I also want to put a license in my HTML and CSS, but I have never seen anyone do that before.

Is there any reason not to put a license in my HTML and CSS files, but to put one in my Javascript? What type of license can I use?

Best Answer

You can add whatever license you want to your CSS files. Here's an example.

One way to receive credit and attributions is putting "Designed by xxx" in the footer of the site (make sure the team or the school is aware).