Javascript – Does comparing equality of float numbers mislead junior developers even if no rounding error occurs in the case

coding-stylefloating pointjavascript

For example, I want to show a list of buttons from 0,0.5,… 5, which jumps for each 0.5. I use a for loop to do that, and have different color at button STANDARD_LINE:

var MAX=5.0;
var DIFF=0.5

for(var i=0;i<=MAX;i=i+DIFF){

At this case there should be no rounding errors as each value is exact in IEEE 754.But I'm struggling if I should change it to avoid floating point equality comparison:

var MAX=10;

for(var i=0;i<=MAX;i++){

On one hand, the original code is more simple and forward to me. But there is one thing I'm considering : is i==STANDARD_LINE misleads junior teammates? Does it hide the fact that floating point numbers may have rounding errors? After reading comments from this post:

it seems there are many developers don't know some float numbers are exact. Should I avoid float number equality comparisons even if it is valid in my case? Or am I over thinking about this?

Best Answer

I would always avoid successive floating-point operations unless the model I'm computing requires them. Floating-point arithmetic is unintuitive to most and a major source of errors. And telling the cases in which it causes errors from those where it doesn't is an even more subtle distinction!

Therefore, using floats as loop counters is a defect waiting to happen and would require at the very least a fat background comment explaining why it's okay to use 0.5 here, and that this depends on the specific numeric value. At that point, rewriting the code to avoid float counters will probably be the more readable option. And readability is next to correctness in the hierarchy of professional requirements.