JavaScript Performance – Does Immutability Hurt Performance in JavaScript?


There seems to be a recent trend in JavaScript towards treating data structures as immutable. For example, if you need to change a single property of an object, better to just create a whole new object with the new property, and just copy over all the other properties from the old object, and let the old object be garbage collected. (That's my understanding anyway.)

My initial reaction is, that sounds like it would be bad for performance.

But then libraries like Immutable.js and Redux.js are written by smarter people than me, and seem to have a strong concern for performance, so it makes me wonder if my understanding of garbage (and its performance impact) is wrong.

Are there performance benefits to immutability I'm missing, and do they outweigh the downsides of creating so much garbage?

Best Answer

For example, if you need to change a single property of an object, better to just create a whole new object with the new property, and just copy over all the other properties from the old object, and let the old object be garbage collected.

Without immutability, you might have to pass an object around between different scopes, and you do not know beforehand if and when the object will be changed. So to avoid unwanted side effects, you start creating a full copy of the object "just in case" and pass that copy around, even if it turns out no property has to be changed at all. That will leave a lot more garbage than in your case.

What this demonstrates is - if you create the right hypothetical scenario, you can prove anything, especially when it comes to performance. My example, however, is not so hypothetical as it might sound. I worked last month on a program where we stumbled over exactly that problem because we initially decided against using an immutable data structure, and hesitated to refactor this later because it did not seem worth the hassle.

So when you look at cases like this one from an older SO post, the answer to your questions becomes probably clear - it depends. For some cases immutability will hurt performance, for some the opposite might be true, for lots of cases it will depend on how smart your implementation is, and for even more cases the difference will be negligible.

A final note: a real world problem you might encounter is you need to decide early for or against immutability for some basic data structures. Then you build a lot of code upon that, and several weeks or months later you will see if the decision was a good or a bad one.

My personal rule of thumb for this situation is:

  • If you design a data structure with only a few attributes based on primitive or other immutable types, try immutability first.
  • If you want to design a data type where arrays with large (or undefined) size, random access and changing contents are involved, use mutability.

For situations between these two extremes, use your judgement. But YMMV.