Dynamic Language Mistakes – How to Avoid Common Errors

dynamic-typingjavascriptprogramming practices

I've recently poured a couple of hours into JavaScript because I wanted to benefit from the massive userbase. Doing that I have noticed a pattern that most people attribute to dynamic languages. You get things working really quickly, but once your code reaches a certain size you waste much time with type, spelling and refactoring errors in general. Errors a compiler would normally spare me from. And not have me looking for errors in the logic when I just made typo in another module.

Considering the incredible following JavaScript and other dynamically typed languages have I am lead to believe that there's something wrong with my approach. Or is this just the price you have to pay?

To put it more concisely:

  • How do you approach a JavaScript (or any other dynamic language for that matter) project with ~2000 LOC?
  • Are there tools to prevent me from making those mistakes? I have tried flow by Facebook and JSHint which somewhat help, but don't catch typos.

Best Answer

Specifically speaking of JavaScript, you could use TypeScript instead. It offers some of the things you are referring to. Quoting the website:

Types enable JavaScript developers to use highly-productive development tools and practices like static checking and code refactoring when developing JavaScript applications.

And it is just a superset of JS, meaning some of your existing code will work with TS just fine:

TypeScript starts from the same syntax and semantics that millions of JavaScript developers know today. Use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and call TypeScript code from JavaScript.

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