JavaScript Coding Style – How to Keep Code with Continuations/Callbacks Readable


Summary: Are there some well-established best-practice patterns that I can follow to keep my code readable in spite of using asynchronous code and callbacks?

I'm using a JavaScript library that does a lot of stuff asynchronously and heavily relies on callbacks. It seems that writing a simple "load A, load B, …" method becomes quite complicated and hard to follow using this pattern.

Let me give a (contrived) example. Let's say I want to load a bunch of images (asynchronously) from a remote web server. In C#/async, I'd write something like this:


foreach (myData in myRepository) {
    var result = await LoadImageAsync("http://my/server/GetImage?" + myData.Id);
    if (result.Success) {
        myData.Image = result.Data;
    } else {
        write("error loading Image " + myData.Id);


The code layout follows the "flow of events": First, the start button is disabled, then the images are loaded (await ensures that the UI stays responsive) and then the start button is enabled again.

In JavaScript, using callbacks, I came up with this:


var count = myRepository.length;

function loadImage(i) {
    if (i >= count) {

    myData = myRepository[i];
    LoadImageAsync("http://my/server/GetImage?" + myData.Id,
        function(success, data) { 
            if (success) {
                myData.Image = data;
            } else {
                write("error loading image " + myData.Id);


I think the drawbacks are obvious: I had to rework the loop into a recursive call, the code that's supposed to be executed in the end is somewhere in the middle of the function, the code starting the download (loadImage(0)) is at the very bottom, and it's generally much harder to read and follow. It's ugly and I don't like it.

I'm sure that I'm not the first one to encounter this problem, so my question is: Are there some well-established best-practice patterns that I can follow to keep my code readable in spite of using asynchronous code and callbacks?

Best Answer

It's highly unlikely that you can achieve with plain js the same level of conciseness and expressiveness in working with callbacks that C# 5 has. The compiler does the work in writing all that boilerplate for you, and until the js runtimes will do that, you will still have to pass an occasional callback here and there.

However, you may not always want to bring callbacks down to the level of simplicity of linear code - throwing functions around doesn't have to be ugly, there's an entire world working with this kind of code, and they keep sane without async and await.

For instance, use higher-order functions (my js may be a bit rusty):

// generic - this is a library function
function iterateAsync(iterator, action, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var item = iterator();
if(item == null) { // exit condition
    function (success) {
            iterateAsync(iterator, action, onSuccess, onFailure);

// calling code
var currentImage = 0;
var imageCount = 42;

// you know your library function expects an iterator with no params, 
// and an async action with the current item and its continuation as params
// this is your iterator
function () {   
    if(currentImage >= imageCount)
        return null;
    return "http://my/server/GetImage?" + (currentImage++);

// this is your action - coincidentally, no adaptor for the correct signature is necessary

// these are your outs
function () { console.log("All OK."); },
function () { console.log("FAILED!"); }
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