Javascript – How to validate the html/css and JS code outsourced to an external company.


We have outsourced the html and css design to an external company. We want to make sure the quality of code is good. What benchmarks can we set to achieve this.

Best Answer

Use lint tools:

The source for css lint is also available at github and according to their docs, html lint should be available soon. The advantages of using the source are:

  • You can work offline
  • You can define your own lint rules
  • You can have your outsourcers integrate your rules into their pipeline to ensure they catch any obvious errors soon

Have a coding standard for both CSS and HTML and ensure that they're given to your outsourcers. Ensure that deviations from your standard are followed up on and the work rejected. Make sure that you follow this rigidly. As time goes on, one would hope that you get less errors, but the more you allow (especially early on), the more frequent (and worse) they can become.

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